This is a story
about a Rock Star,
and the Music
that he used to play,
and the stories
that he used to tell me,
about a time
that slipped away...

After a few years of writing to each other with no more than a pen and paper, Ramzi, Duncan and Sam lost contact and went their own ways until recently, when, thanks to the technological wonders of the Internet, Duncan managed to track down Ram and Sam.

Ramzi is still young, free and single, living and working in San Jose CA, strumming some Jazz here and there and as he puts it 'has become a legend in his own living room'.

Duncan is alive and well in the heart of Cheshire UK with his new partner and four kids, working as Senior Designer for a large Photographic Manufacturer and still playing live and regularly with the acoustic band,
Blue Side Out.

Samir is happliy married with two daughters 'state-side' and according to Ramzi, hasn't touched a Bass since the day he married.

The whereabouts of Tim is unknown...perhaps you could help!